
Excellence in Teaching Award, 2024

Professional Experience

I have a Bachelor's Degree in English Studies (English Linguistics, Literature, and TESOL) from the Federal University of Minas Gerais (UFMG), and teaching certificates from the University of Oregon and the University of Cambridge. Prior to pursuing a doctoral degree in Linguistics, I spent a significant amount of time working in education. I taught English as foreign language in Slovakia and Brazil at language centers and high schools. I also worked as a teacher trainer for two years. In 2017-2018 I was a Fulbright Foreign Language Teaching Assistant in the Department of Romance Languages at UGA.

My Generative Syntax students at the CURO Symposium, 2023

Professional and Academic Positions

At the University of Georgia

Other institutions

My Study of Language (Intro to Linguistics) course, 2023

Courses Taught

Courses taught at the University of Georgia

Teaching Certification, The Devon School of English, 2014

Teaching (and Teaching-Related) Certificates